How to Make Money Selling Weed

Selling weed is a very easy thing to do and it can earn you some good money. You can start a business of selling weed by buying some weed from a friend and then sell it to your friends or you can even start it at home.

If you are wondering how to make money selling weed, then I will tell you the following things:

1. How to make money selling weed

First of all, you need to buy marijuana from a friend who sells it. You can buy from him at a cheaper price. You can either sell it directly to your friends or you can sell it online to the customers.

You need to have a proper place where you can sell it. It can be your house or your friends house or any other place. The more the people who will buy your weed, the more money you will earn.

You can charge a higher price for your weed if it is high quality weed. The high quality weed will attract more customers. So, try to buy good quality weed and then sell it to your customers.

You should also make sure that you are selling weed in a legal way. If you are selling weed in an illegal way, then you will face some problems like arrest, jail time etc.

2. Make a website

You can start a website where you can sell your weed. You will need to get a domain name, a hosting service and a domain registration. You can start a blog on a popular site or you can create your own website.

You can sell your weed on your website or you can put ads on it. You can make a landing page for your website and put an ad on it. You can use some tools to make your website attractive.

3. How to make money selling weed

You need to start with a small amount of money to buy weed and then gradually increase the amount of money that you are spending on weed. It is better to spend less money on weed as it is a long term investment.

You should not start selling weed from the first day because if you do that then you will lose a lot of money. You should also not buy too much weed because if you buy too much, then you will not be able to sell it.

4. How to make money selling weed

Once you have started selling weed, you should be prepared for all kinds of problems. You may face different problems like legal problems, police raids etc.

You should try to solve these problems by following the following tips:

5. Get a lawyer

If you are selling weed in an illegal way, then you will face a lot of problems. So, before starting any business, you should get a lawyer to help you with the legal issues.

6. Set a good price for your weed

If you are selling your weed at a low price, then it will attract fewer customers. So, you should set a high price for your weed so that more people will buy it.

7. Buy the right amount of weed

You should buy enough amount of weed to sell it. If you don’t have enough weed, then you will have to buy more weed to sell it.

8. Try to increase your sales

You should try to increase your sales because if you are able to sell more weed, then you will earn more money.


So, these were the 4 easy tips to make money selling weed. I hope that you will be able to make money selling weed easily.