Get Your Name Off A Car Loan

Car loans are very easy to avail, but sometimes you might face a problem in getting your name off it.

There are certain types of car loans where the lender may refuse to take your name off it.

But, here I will be sharing some tips to get your name off it.

Car loans are based on the type of vehicle that you are going to purchase.

Here, I am going to talk about 3 types of car loans – Personal, Commercial and Family car loans.

Personal Car Loans:

If you are going to buy a personal car for yourself then you don’t have to worry about getting your name off a car loan because the lender will take your name.

Commercial Car Loans:

If you are going to buy a commercial car for your business then you need to get it in your name. For example, if you are buying a company car, then you should get it in your name.

Family Car Loans:

For family cars, the lender may ask for the name of the person who is going to purchase the car. So, you need to prepare a document to get your name off it.

The best thing about these car loans is that you can pay the installments easily without any tension.


So, if you are planning to buy a car then you must know about these car loans. It is very easy to avail car loans and if you have got a bad credit history then you must get it in your name.