5 Ways How Yelp Makes Money

Yelp is one of the most popular websites in the world. It is an online review site which has a lot of reviews on restaurants, hotels, shops, and many more. This is the reason why it is the most visited website in the world.

There are a lot of websites which provide the same kind of services, but Yelp is different from other sites as it doesn’t have advertisements. So, it depends upon its users to earn money.

Here are some ways through which Yelp makes money.

Sponsored ads

This is the most common way of earning money through Yelp. If you are a user of Yelp then you will get to see sponsored ads on your screen. You can also get to see these ads when you are searching for a restaurant or a hotel. These ads will be displayed at the top of the search result.

You will get to know about the restaurants or hotels through these ads. You can also read the reviews written by other users about the restaurant or hotel. These reviews will help you to make an informed decision about the restaurant or hotel.


Yelp also provides its users with the opportunity to advertise their business. If you want to advertise your business then you can create an account and start advertising your business. There are certain limits set by Yelp for advertising, so you need to keep your advertisement within those limits.

Sell your data

Yelp collects the information about its users, but it doesn’t share that information with anyone. It only shares the information with the advertisers. This is why if you want to earn money through Yelp, you can sell your data to the advertisers.

Yelp makes money through the data which is shared by its users. It can also make money through the ads which are shown to the users. It also makes money through the sponsored ads.


So, these are some of the ways through which Yelp makes money. If you are a user of Yelp then you should take advantage of the sponsored ads and get to know about the restaurants or hotels.